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Improving Worker and Warehouse Productivity

Did you know fatigue costs productivity losses at nearly $2,000 per employee? When it comes to your warehouse, warehouse productivity and worker health are two sides of the same coin.

Delivery schedules, staffing, floor safety, equipment upkeep, and vendor relationships are just a few daily necessities of running a warehouse. Without the right technology to shoulder some of the work, you can easily create an exhausting environment for your workers.

Taking care of your workers and keeping them safe is easier with the right knowledge and the right tools. This brief guide will share tips to improve warehouse productivity so everyone can reap the benefits.

Conduct An Audit To Find Weak Spots

When was the last time you conducted an audit to review your warehouse process? When a minor detail can cause a large problem, this step is crucial for improving productivity for your workers.

There are several ways to conduct an audit that shines a light on your warehouse process and sets the stage for improvement. You can:

  • Ask workers where the process could be improved
  • Update old equipment that’s consistently shown poor performance
  • Review ergonomic barriers that reduce productivity (such as reaching tall shelves safely)

Ergonomic Material Handling Improves Safety

According to NIOSH and the CDC, the leading causes of work-related injuries involve handling equipment, overexertion, and falls. 

Productivity improvements won’t matter if your workers are in pain or danger. Upgrading your material handling tools will reduce the risk of common injuries. A few ergonomic improvements you should consider are:

  • Vertical lifting equipment to help employees with higher shelving
  • Diverse storage units to accommodate different product sizes, shapes, and order rates
  • Re-strategizing aisles and lanes to create safer and more direct routes for workers

Maintain Warehouse Equipment For Efficiency

A warehouse laborer can’t maintain efficiency with outdated equipment or non-compliant conditions. Equipment that’s difficult to use or keeps breaking down is a common contributor to low productivity. 

One of the ways to improve warehouse productivity is by regularly assessing your equipment for maintenance. You can spot errors early and reduce the risk of costly replacements should your equipment suddenly fail.

Document And Standardize The Material Handling Process

Documentation for material handling, packing, and picking ensures workers are working safely and efficiently. It’ll also make it easier to spot areas for improvement.

Start a SOP by mapping out the essential processes of each worker’s routine. For example, mapping out how an associate receives an order, and then how long it takes for them to travel. You can then use the most efficient method as the standard for your workforce.

Invest In Quality Material Handling Equipment

High-quality equipment needs to work smoothly, reduce fatigue, and create a safe environment for your employees. A few types of machinery you can equip your warehouse with are:

  • Vertical roll lifters to tilt and maneuver rolls without manual intervention 
  • Tip lifts to adjust and maneuver rolls at twice the speed while reducing worker risk
  • Mobile carts to transport items more quickly while putting less strain on workers

With Tilt Lock, you can outfit your warehouse and workers with trustworthy equipment that gets the job done right.

Improving Warehouse Productivity Begins With Reliable Material Handling Equipment

Don’t put your workers’ health and safety at risk with unreliable equipment or outdated documentation. Improve your warehouse labor productivity with safe and effective tools.

Check out our catalog and contact us today to order high-quality roll-lifting equipment and create a safe, productive warehouse for your workers.

Date Published: February 26, 2019